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How to wear a bralette: 10 ways to combine it

The bralette, one more trend to add to the shopping cart this summer. A garment that can be combined with any outfit and that allows you not to worry if your bra is transparent under your shirt.

The looks that will accompany you this 2021

Due to fads that come and go, now thebraletteIt is something fundamental in the daily look of women and with it, you can combine all your looks this summer. This garment transforms a simple outfit into a more sensual and sophisticated look.

We already know that the bralette is going to be a trend this summer and that wearing it is going to be essential. We remember that the bralette is a mix of crop-top and bra, without underwire and lace. Nowadays, it is used both to feel more comfortable on the inside, and to show it on the outside. What many of us wonder is how to wear it or combine it.Black Limba has the key to it and bets this summer on thebralettes that go with any garment in your wardrobe.

These are the 5 best ways to complete your look with aBlack Limba.

1. With a shirt tied and intertwined

This summer wearing the shirt instead of buttoned with its own buttons, tied with a homemade knot, will be the novelty. Add abralette lace up this look and let it show as much as you want.

IG: @_oliviaortiz


For the most daring, take thebralette as a t-shirt it is the best option since you do not have to think about what to wear afterwards. Also existbralettes more armed and longer that cover almost to the navel.

similar product:Magoa bralette

3. With an open shirt

Give a more casual look to your way of dressing. In this way, the bralette has top functionality, so it is recommended to use models with a straighter or V neckline.

Product: Laren bra (coming soon)

4. Showing neckline and lace

The option to show only the strap or the part of the neckline is for those who still think that showing the bralette is too risky. a subtle way ofshow off your precious lace without revealing too much.


Product:Brave Bralette

5. Under transparent shirts: night looks

Nights out and endless dinners with friends or your partner are perfect for darker looks. Lace bralette and transparent shirt: perfect combination.
IG: @aboutceciliagomez
Product:Inara bralette


6. With low neckline

Give a sensual touch to your look. A backless garment will always be improved with a bralette underneath that invites the imagination.

similar product:Yuma bralette

7. Over a shirt

This look is always a wardrobe staple for models. Add a black bralette or a contrasting color to a simple white shirt to be a true fashionista. You can wear the shirt oversized and wear it as a dress or combine it with pants or jeans.

similar product:Carvi bra

8. On a T-shirt

Wearing a bralette over a t-shirt is an easy way to add life to a simple look. This option is valid for both short and long sleeve t-shirts. Plus, it looks good with bralettes of all lengths.

ProductSimilary:sikkim bodysuit

9. With a blazer (any color)

This outfit is perfect for a night that you want to dress up but you want to give a casual touch to your look. It transmits sensuality in an elegant and classic way. The color combination is endless!

Product:Haji bralette

10. With a sweater or jacket

This combination is perfect for when it starts to cool down. A wool sweater with a V-neckline or a contrasting jacket with a bralette underneath will give your look a modern, elegant and super sexy touch.

IG: @lipovetsky
Product:Ikhaheka bralette


We hope this article inspires you to incorporate your favorite Black Limba bralettes into your looks. Don't forget to tag us on Instagram! This way we can see all your looks like a true #limbagirl ;)

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